Due to the coronavirus outbreak, how you contact us will be different at the moment. This is to limit face-to-face contact whenever possible and help stop the spread of coronavirus.
Theale Medical Centre is open and if you need to see a GP, please ring us on 0118 930 2513 or visit the Consulting Room – our core opening hours are 08:00-18:30, Monday to Friday (plus extended hours to include some early mornings, late evenings and Saturdays). More information on our hours can be found on the Opening Hours page.
You can also call NHS 111.
Please do not come to the surgery unless you have an appointment.
If you are waiting for a check-up, please be assured we will be in touch.
Appointments are being delivered face-to-face, online and over the telephone.
Face-to-face appointments are available to all patients, but you may be asked to discuss your conditions over the phone or online first to assess what would be most appropriate for you. This is for the safety of both patients and staff, to reduce the spread of coronavirus.
In addition to face-to-face consultations, we are offering consultations online via our website, via video or over the phone. This can be a convenient and flexible way to receive healthcare but if you would prefer to see a GP or healthcare professional in person then this will be arranged for you with a call first from the GP.
If you are asked to come into the surgery for a face-to-face appointment, please remember to wear a face covering.
Measures are in place to keep you safe from infection during your visit to the surgery.